Baja Dog Rescue

“We Cannot save them all…But we can try”

Dog/Cat rescue, hospital and sanctuary Since 2008
501(c)(3) Certified Non-profit
100% No Kill rescue

Rescue – Yoshi

RESCUE IN PROGRESS:  03/09/13 Available for Adoption!

Dog Name: Yoshi – Location: Dropped off – Sex: Male –  Breed: Bichon mix – EDB: 7/1/11- Condition: Broken front right leg. Treatment: Pain medication. We are actively seeking donations and a vet willing to do this surgery at a low cost.

Notes & Updates: Fundraiser in progress. To donate to Yoshi’s broken leg fund please visit:

Video of Yoshi and his broken leg:

Updated info and photos 5/10/13: We are please to announce that Yoshi has had successful surgery on his leg. He will be recovering for the next 4 months and will then be available for adoption. Thanks to all that donated to his surgery fund!